
Modular design supports circular construction

At its core, modular construction is an inherently greener process; by the nature of its design and fabrication, it supports the model of circular construction. Our modular buildings generate less waste, fewer GHG emissions and less construction pollution on site. They can be designed for net-zero emissions targets and passive house certification. See how we’re changing the calculus on construction, one building at a time.

01. Design for deconstruction

At Fero, we design each unit for reuse and relocation while minimizing waste at every stage.

It all starts with our modular construction design strategy. Designing a structure to deliver and install in building pieces means it can be more readily removed, relocated and repurposed in building pieces. By taking a “cradle to cradle” approach, we’re able to understand our environmental footprint holistically.

02. Avoiding upstream waste

Our construction and storage facilities are essential to limiting waste. These controlled environments enable more efficient construction and longer life for the materials we use. By protecting these materials from the elements, unused materials, such as drywall or plywood, can be re-inventoried and then put to work in a future project.

03. Reduced GHG emissions

A single site for our modular manufacturing helps us significantly reduce greenhouse emissions during the construction phase of any project. Because our workforce is entirely local, there’s no need for them to commute to distant or remote project sites.

04. Reduced site impact

Off-site construction results in a project site with significantly less disruption, contamination and disturbance to both natural ecosystems and your surrounding communities. Whether it’s construction noise, added particulate in the air or exhaust from construction equipment, we manage the bulk of it in our tightly controlled construction facility.

05. Reuse, relocate, repurpose

We incorporate deconstruction into our design process, meaning modular buildings from Fero can be more easily disassembled and relocated for repurposing. This process diverts waste from landfill—plus it minimizes the number of abandoned buildings that require demolition (and all the emissions associated with that process).

Want to know more?

Contact us today to find out how Fero’s modular solutions can be the building blocks of your next infrastructure project.